Welcome to BoweModels, the home of the model and diorama building services of Steve Bowe.
On the workbench...
6th May 2024: Tamiya 1/48 Lockheed P-38J Lightning
A modern, state of the art moulding from the greatest plastic kit maker in the world? What's not to like. And of a subject I haven't got to grips with for some time, the iconic P-38 Lightning. I've read some pretty spectacular reviews of this kit so I can't wait to get stuck in. I also have most of the after market goodies to go with it, not that it really needs a lot....

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Aerotech 1/32 DeHavilland DH.88 Comet
Well this was an interesting build. Short run large scale resin kit, with all the "challenges" that go with it. I've built worse, the kit isn't too bad as these things go, but there have been plenty of issues with alignment, finishing etc. However, I like to think I've finally knocked it into some kind of acceptable shape.

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Featured Build: Liberator for the RAF
Revell 1/48 B-24D (built as a Liberator II)
When I was asked if I could build a 1/48 RAF Liberator II my initial reaction was "no" because no such kit exists. However a little research revealed that if you start with a B-24D it is just about doable with a little courage with the scalpels, saws and putty.

The Revell 1/48 B-24D is a 1970s mould but still good and with a little care and attention still holds its own. Even after having been butchered into an RAF variant!

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